This post is a collection resources for learning to program LEDs with micro:bit using "WS2812B" LEDs, aka "Neopixels".
This post is a work-in-progress as I find more helpful resources online. If you know of a resource that should be on this list, please let me know. Thanks!
Intro to MakeCode for micro:bit - Programmable LEDs:
This video goes over:
- How to code the neopixels in MakeCode
- How to connect the LEDs to the micro:Bit
- How to install the Neopixel Extension
- How to program a simple rainbow animation on the strip, and make it react to the accelerometer
Creating Neopixel Sub-Strips in MakeCode:
- This video shows how to create sub-strips, which allow you to label different groups of pixels throughout your strip so that you can control those pieces individually.
- This video is for the Circuit Playground Express, but the concept is the same as the micro:bit.