United Way / JCRMRG.org 3D Health Hackathon
Updates & Events

Update - We WON! Weekend PPE Hackathon This weekend I participated in the JCRMRG Health Hackathon to engineer solutions and address the need for PPE, or personal protective equipment. After months of research and design work on the Jersey City Face Shield project, I wanted to continue to be involved...

Electric Embellishments rock the #EtsyCraftParty
Updates & Events

When designing a kit others will make, it’s easy to get lost in the details. You build the kit yourself over and over, tweaking prototypes and correcting and working and working and working…. until building it yourself doesn’t feel special anymore. It’s still fun, but not special. Having the opportunity...

Paper Engineering in High School
Updates & Events

In October I had the opportunity to visit the classroom of Sarah Prendergast - a teacher I met at ITP Make Education camp this summer to help her students make some awesome light-up pop-up books as a part of her math class! Sarah's done a great job incorporating STEAM skills into...

Fabrication in My Neck of the Woods! JCFabLab!
Updates & Events

I was excited to attend the grand opening of the Jersey City Fabrication Lab! (Or, JCFabLab!) This lab is about 20 min from my house and has a laser cutter, 3D printer and other fabrication its equipment like wood shop tools and space to work. I helped out with the...

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