Keep On Making It: Challenge 1 - DVD Flowers

Keep On Making It: Challenge 1 - DVD Flowers


During quarantine, I participated in the #MakingItAtHome challenges from the TV Show "Making It". The challenges were exactly what I needed because they introduced me to other makers, pushed me to break outside of my comfort zone, and gave me a deadline to get things done! 

So… one of my new maker friends, Lori from and I are keeping the challenges going! We will be posting our projects using the #KeepOnMakingIt hashtag, and we hope that we can get other makers to "make along" with us too!

Here's our first challenge!

Lori's Challenge

Lori is great at using color. I challenged her to make something with rainbow LED string lights. 

My Challenge

Make some flowers out of "unconventional materials."

I chose to make DVD, CD and Floppy Disks flowers.  

I was excited to find that the DVDs separated into two disks- one half of the disk was a prism of rainbow colors and the other half was a clearer purple color. This allowed me to etch into the clear side and the prism would reflect the light directly into the etch marks. It was such a fun process to be scratching CDs- on PURPOSE! I also love that I found another way to up-cycle these old technologies! 

They are so shiny in person and they will look great in my planters reflecting the sunlight. Take a look:

Here's how I made the DVD Flowers:

DVD Flower in a Vase

Check out Lori's Project:

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