Follow along to make your own light-up flower pin that's uniquely you!

- TechnoChic Flashy Flowers Kit
- Tape (Transparent Tape is best!)
Step 1:
- Choose 1 large flower for the base, then add 2 or 3 smaller flowers. Mix and match to design your own.

Step 2:
- Thread the LED through the smallest flower, then medium, (then a larger medium if you have 4), then largest.
Step 3:
- Hold the LED with the legs facing up, then fold each leg in half.
- Squeeze the legs together.
- Insert the battery between the legs, with each leg touching only one side of the battery.
- Didn't light up? Try flipping the battery over.
- When the LED is on, secure it with tape.
- Locate the "+" side of the battery, and fold it flat with the "+" side up.
Step 4:
- Take out the pin and remove the paper backing.
Attach it to the back of the flower, sticking it to the paper, not the battery.
- Fluff the petals to make them 3D.

It's time to wear your flair!